The Little Fairy Light Bouquet
The Little Fairy Light Bouquet is our newest item!
This little bouquet features hand soap shaped flowers with preserved florals and a plush bear or rabbit in the middle. This bouquet is very unique as it is lined with Fairy lights that adds a very dainty touch!
Available in 3 colours :
Purple and white
Grey and pink
All pink with a rabbit
All bouquets come with fairy lights and are approximately 33cm in height
Visit our website to see videos of the light bouquets in action! @thelittlebloombox on Instagram
Choose the color for your Fairy light Bouquet
Categories: Bouquet, Under 50, Unique
Tags: acrylic, bouquet, box, christmas, christmasgift, clear, fairylights, holidays, package, rose, tall
Brand: Flower Haus, Pretty in Pink, The Little Bloom Box, The Mini Balloon, The Petal Haus Brand: Flower Haus, Pretty in Pink, The Little Bloom Box, The Mini Balloon, The Petal Haus.
Additional information
Weight | 3 lbs |
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