Mini Bubble Bouquet (Champagne)
The Mini Bubble Bouquet
The prettiest little thing you’ve ever seen!
Our Mini Bubble Bouquet is a hard case clear orb filled with eternal flowers and is wrapped as a bouquet. This beauty comes in 5 colors. All florals last beautifully up to 3 years.
An absolutely stunning piece!
Arrangement comes as is and cannot be changed (photos considered as part of description). Please choose the color of the arrangement.
Outer box/bag size : 27x34x15cm
All sales final
Out of stock
Categories: Featured, Mothers Day, Unique
Tags: bubble bouquet, flowers, frame, glow, LED lights, lights, limited, mothers day, roses, special, valentines day, vday
Brand: The Little Bloom Box Brand: The Little Bloom Box.
Additional information
Weight | 3 lbs |
Colour Options | Light Pink |