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Mother’s Day Special Bubble Bouquet

Mother’s Day Special Bubble Bouquet

Mommy’s deserve it all! We have curated this special bubble bouquet just for our wonder woman.  This bouquet includes a confetti center balloon with your personal message vinyled on it in black.

Also has 7 smaller latex balloons surrounding the center balloon and 5 chocolates in a clear round case (chocolates will vary depending on availability between Ferrero Rocher or Lindt chocolate)

Added to the bouquet is faux florals, may also vary depending on availability.

Our bouquets will generally be made identical or close as possible to the picture referenced.

Bouquets are wrapped with flower wrapping paper and will be delivered in a big plastic balloon bag.

Arrangements last anywhere from 3-10 days (slowly deflating, after all they are balloons)

Bouquet size is approximately 14 x 17 Inches

All sales final.


Add the message you want on your center balloon: *

Message will be in black vinyl


Out of stock

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs
Colour Options

Light Pink, White